Top Rated Vacuums For Hardwood Floors

When it comes to keeping your hardwood floors spotless, you want a vacuum that is both smart and efficient too.

Here we have outlined some great candidates for the top rated vacuums for hardwood floors, each coming with their unique features designed to suit your preferences.

And it doesn’t have to come at a high price either. Both Shark Ion R85 and EcoVac Deebot N79S provide us with some great cleaning technology, such as Drop-Sense Technology and the ability to use voice control, scheduling and more via the app provided.

And if you decide to spend a little more, then iRobot Roomba i7 will take your home cleaning to the next level. With great technology, such as voice control and its mapping features, will allow you to tell exactly where and when you want it to clean.

Let’s take a look at some of the options below, so you can decide for yourself. Feel free to use our navigation system to skip ahead to any part.