eufy BoostIQ Robovac 11S vs. Roomba 690

Never argue again about whose turn it is to vacuum!

Gone are the days where you have to lug around a heavy vacuum cleaner around your home with the introduction of iRobot Roomba 690 vs. eufy 11S.

Not only will these models do a good job on your carpets and floors alike, but they also come with their own unique features that even further enhance their cleaning abilities. Like Robovac’s 11S impressive suction power, or budget-friendly Roomba’s excellent dirt detection technology.

While it’s true that eufy provides us with a more powerful clean, yet Roomba easily integrates with Alexa and Google Assistant for those of you who prefer using voice commands.

So let’s get right to it and check out both models to see which one suits you best!

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